These are the chronicles of two Shetland Sheepdogs and their adventures in rally-o, obedience, flyball, agility, tracking and therapy dog work. Also including information on raw feeding, canine epilepsy, positive training, and lots and lots of Sheltie hair!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
HCKOC Christmas Party
Today was the annual Hub City Kennel and Obedience Club Christmas party. Dogs, of course, are invited! (If any HCKOC members would like copies of these pictures, let me know which ones you want and I will forward them to you.)
Gisele (with Katie, Miniature Poodle), Verna (with Elmo, Norrbottenspets), and Jan (with Saluki pups).
Jae, Jeannette (with Gem and Spice, Cairn Terriers).
Elmo, Norrbottenspets.
Liz (with Lily, Cairn Terier), Jae, Jan (with Saluki pups), Dante and Verna (with Elmo, Norrbottenspets).
Gisele with Gina and Katie (Miniature Poodles).
Jeannette (with Gem, Cairn Terrier), Julie (with Zorro, Belgian Shepherd), Liz (with Lily, Cairn Terrier), Jae (with Spice, Cairn Terrier), Jan (with Saluki pup), Jill (with Tetley, English Cocker Spaniel), Dante (with Elmo, Norrbottenspets), Verna (holding Gio and Romeo for me), and Gisele (with Gina and Katie, Miniature Poodles).
Jan's Saluki pups. Elmo (Norrbottenspets) and Zorro (Belgian Shepherd) playing. Poor puppers, left out while all the humans enjoyed the wonderful food.
Bobbing for Weiners!!
Tetley (English Cocker Spaniel), darn ears get in the way!
Elmo, Norrbottenspets. Gina, Miniature Poodle.
Zorro, Belgian Shepherd.
Romeo LOVES this game. Gem (Cairn Terrier) with a very wet face, and Gina (Miniature Poodle) making sure Gem didn't miss any weiners.
Romeo and Lily (Cairn Terrier) waiting for more weiners to be delivered to the bucket.
We also had a gift swap/exchange. I fought for a Weasel Ball for the boys, and despite having to steal from a young boy, I won! (Sorry Dante.) Romeo appreciated my efforts.
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Gio is a 8 year old over-sized sable Sheltie. He is my over-achiever, taking all expectations of him and stretching them to the extreme. He is retired from flyball due to poor health, but still enjoys competing in CARO Rally-O. He is a certified therapy dog with St. John Ambulance and loves visiting "his ladies" at various nursing homes in Saskatoon and area. He recently received his PEN from the CKC began competing in CKC obedience and Rally-O in fall of 2008. In his spare time, Gio enjoys tracking with his sniffer buddies, playing fetch or tug, and engaging Romeo in "Sheltie Wars".
CRS CanyonView Forever Romantic CD RE (CKC) RVMCL (CARO) FDX SJATD HIC
Romeo is a 3 year old tri-colored Sheltie. He's my little piggy, always diving in head first and fur flying. He currently competes in NAFA flyball, CARO Rally-O, CKC Rally-O, AAC agility, and CKC obedience, and is a certified therapy dog with St. John Ambulance. Romeo is always up for a game of fetch, wrestle, chase, "kitty", and, of course, "Sheltie Wars" with Gio. Everything this boy does has flare, and there is always a spring in his step. Romeo comes from CanyonView Shelties.
Cool toy - never seen anything like it!
That is one cool toy! We just put it on our Christmas list ;)
That almost looks like an indoor dog park gathering. So many excellent dogsters. Of course you two were the bestest of da bunch.
Essex & Deacon
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