My goal this week was to try and capture Gio's goofy side. I bought this toy ring a while ago and he is absolutely nuts over it! He insists on carrying it around over his head like this, instead of like what most would consider "normal". Even if he does pick it up normally, he will stop and toss his head around until he "fixes" it (ie. loops it back over his head like a gomer).
The ring, if anyone is curious, is something I picked up from a locally owned pet store here in Saskatoon. The label said it is "water buffalo leather". I can vouch that it is really leather ... whether that leather came from a water buffalo or your run-of-the-mill cow, I cannot say for sure. But whatever it is, this thing is like cat-nip for the dogs! They are crazy about it (and were really hoping that Gramma might buy them another one for Christmas so that they didn't have to share).
On a side note, though arguably more important than a silly picture of Gio with a ring on his face ...
Edgar would agree with Gio's positionning of the toy. ;)
Nice picture and meets your objective.
What a goofy Gio!! This made me laugh.
Laughing out loud (really) down here in Michigan...
A totally pawsome paw-to-graph. He truly has a wonderful goofy side.
Essex & Deacon
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