My men were clothed all in green,
And they did ever wait on thee;
All this was gallant to be seen,
And yet thou wouldst not love me.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my lady greensleeves.
The boys helped me mow the lawn this afternoon. Understandably, this process results in MY legs being flecked in green ...
But Gio and Romeo are SUCH good helpers that they were adequately green by the end of the event as well.
Between mowing the lawn and our adventures this morning, it's been quite the day for little Romeo.
What? I haven't told you about our adventures from this morning yet?
SHAME! Shame on me!
D&S put on an agility fun match this morning, run in conjunction with the Ebon Stables horse show. It was a small-ish turnout for the fun match, only 15 dogs or so. But just a good size that we could get in about 5 runs. Shirley, the sadist that she is, started us off with a clover leaf game. Yeah, not a good game for Romeo and me. Definitely something we have to work on. Unless of course people will join us in our petition that HIGH score wins ... any takers?!
After that we ran what we've been told is called a helter-skelter. Lots of fun actually, and much more suited for Romeo's and my strengths. It is essentially a large spiral of obstacles inwards, then turn around and do the spiral outwards again. Romeo ROCKED this one, with TWO no fault runs! Would have been faster but I screwed him up on a send out to the tunnel. Darned Shelties have handler focus out the wazoo coupled with eyes on the backs of their heads. Silly me, thinking that if he was turned completely away from me that he wouldn't see if I slightly changed position to get ready for his return through the tunnel. Apparently, all the fluff is concealing another set of eyeballs.
It was a great morning, despite the flashy new sunburn that I am sporting. Lots of fun with a great group of people and dogs!
Greenpaws, yep we get them sometimes too. If you can't get rid of it tell them you are an Irish Sheltie. Irish Sheltie's have a little green in them.
Silly us, we bet there is someone that might actually believe that story.
Essex & Deacon
Hilarious! Never seen pups with green paws before!
Very pretty green paws to match momma. I like your style!
-Mollie and Bobo
Nice feet guys! And sounds like a great fun match!
Its very nice to see your pets. They are really your real friends because they not only share their good time with you, they are also sharing your hard work. As a trainer for the last 17 years and have trained dogs for doing a lot of things. I am feeling very happy to see that your poochs are so active and helpful.
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