These are the chronicles of two Shetland Sheepdogs and their adventures in rally-o, obedience, flyball, agility, tracking and therapy dog work.
Also including information on raw feeding, canine epilepsy, positive training, and lots and lots of Sheltie hair!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Volunteer Badge

We are currently in the process of dealing with all the red tape involved with becoming a therapy dog volunteer team with Saskatoon City Hospital. The Saskatoon Health Region has their own volunteer process, as does St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program, so there are lots of required meetings and orientations, paperwork and the like. We are nearing the end, almost ready to start our official visitations.

Today I met with the volunteer coordinator at Saskatoon City Hospital to fill out some final paperwork and get a photo taken for my Saskatoon Health Region volunteer badge.

And something that totally made my day was that they wanted to make a volunteer badge for Romeo as well! Totally hilarious, I'm thrilled!!

And Romeo is quite proud to have his own badge as well ...


Natasha said...

Go Romeo!! His very own badge -- he does look proud of himself!

Lacy said...

w00f's, way to go Romeo, me iz very impressed...

b safe,

Marie said...

That's so fun! Well, not all the paperwork and stuff, but definitely the volunteer badge!

Casper and pals said...

Romeo you do look stunning with your new ID badge!

Cool Design Shelties said...

Romeo looks very impressive and important with his ID badge :o)


Dawn said...

Watch out! Romeo looks so official he'll soon be running the hospital!


We kept thinking of the old Humpry Bogart movie, Treasure of the Sierra Madre. "Badges, we don't need no stiking badges."


Essex & Deacon

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