I had him entered in two obedience rounds at the SKOC trial. He qualified both with scores of 191.5 and 189.5. Not his finest work, a little sloppy in some portions of the heel and forgot a few sits, but other than that it was really nice looking! And he nailed BOTH long sits! The mats weren't all that slippery this time around, and I was able to position him on a seam where two mats met for extra traction. That earns him his CKC Novice (CD) title, with an extra round as "gravy".
Here is a video of the 191.5/200 round. Thanks to Jae for filming for me.
As a whole, our club (Hub City Kennel and Obedience Club) made a great showing at the trials! We had five dogs entered and all earned legs today, with two (Gio and Lily) earning their CD titles. Here is the happy bunch ...
Elaine and Liz are entered in more rounds tomorrow, so here's hoping they do just as well tomorrow as they did today! Good job, everyone!
And a neat little tidbit, the two Cairn Terriers, Lily and Piper, are related. Piper is Lily's dad. So the whole family was in on the winning today!
Yay, congratulations on the new title! I'm so glad Gio pulled off his long sit :)
That is great news! Congratulations :)
Great news and congratulations on the new title :o) Well done :o)
WOW! Congrats! Well done Gio!
Gratulations Gio! I hope you got lots of cuddles and cookies!
Congratulations! The video was very cool to watch, as Katie and I (Katie is a Sheltie) are considering Rally and/or Obedience. She won't stand and let someone touch her yet though, I see that Gio did that really well! Gio was SO focused on you! Great job!
That's great news! Gio did awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations on Gio's CD! Awesome job - his attention is so good! We're completely jealous!
Congrats Gio & Dayna, Nice job! I was glad to make it to watch.
Congratulations on Gio's new CD! I'm glad things turned out so well, for you two and all your friends!
GREAT WORK GIO. and (pawmom) - Congratulations to all
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