2 months ago
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LOL- Are you guys going to make sure you get packed for the move too?
"Don't forget to take us with you!"
AH HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Yes, it will be easier that way, won't it?! Do either of them like to unpack what you've packed? If I made piles on the floor when I'm cleaning out something or packing... Izzie will steal stuff out of the piles or of the packed open boxes and trot off like she's got booty, very funny, although then I find my toothbrush, some socks, and other items strewn about the house!
Opps, that 'K' is us ;o)
Moxie and Izzie
We bet those would be great to sled down a hill in. It would protect you against cold wind too. Smart Sheltie's, very smart.
Essex & Deacon
HaHa! Very cute and very helpful!
Packed and ready to move :o)
Happy packing guys... the three of you will soooo tired today :)
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