Monday, October 20, 2008

Piggy Wrestling ... Romeo Style

Step 1: Spot yourself a piggy

Step 2: Sneak up on the piggy and grab it by the back leg

Step 3: Get a good grip now ...

Step 4: Now, in one smooth motion, roll to onto your side, effectively
rendering the piggy incapable of escape.

Step 5: Now the tricky part, a perfectly executed Piggy Crotch Grab (patent pending)

And with that, my friends, you have subdued yourself a wild piggy!


  1. Oh, Romeo you just killed us! This is so hilarious. We're sure you won't have any problems getting a patent for the Piggy Crotch Grab!!!

  2. Hi there, so glad to found your blog. I've been missing you and Gio and Romeo from the forum and now I know where to find your news!

    Lian & the KNIGHTs shelties

  3. I think that move would subdue most anything... crotch grab... ouuuuuuch!

    M & I

  4. Great demo. I wonder if the same technique would work on a possum!



  5. hmmm I wonder if I could try this in that pesky kitty that sits just outside my fence teasing me :) :) Mom says it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
