Friday, October 17, 2008

I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours

My buddy Reilly started a game titled I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. We're talking dog toys here, people! What is your dog's favorite toy?

Gio has had many favorites over the years: the Boodah cow, the rubber duckie he stole from his buddy Bailey (it had to go on the shelf because he became somewhat obsessed with it), and tennis balls ... any tennis ball. He will play with anything, but more often than not, he will grab his big sheep when told to get his "baby".

I won the sheep in a raffle draw at a flyball tournament in Lloydminster. Romeo was the one running in the tournament, but when we got home to show off all our prizes, Gio claimed the sheep and it has been his ever since. Poor sheepie has had a couple of surgeries. One of the ears has been amputated and he's had his stomach re-sewn a couple of times now. Romeo can be blamed for the de-stuffing adventures, but Gio is to blame for the tears and ear-loss.

Sheepie in action.

Romeo's favorite toy is the squirrel from his Hide-a-Squirrel game.

The stump that the squirrels hid in is long gone (thanks to Gio and his tugging obsession). But the squirrels are all still alive ... to varying degrees. Romeo is a big fan of anything fuzzy, and the fuzzy squirrel tails are just perfect. He carries the squirrels around by the fuzzy tail, and will lay down and chew on the tail mindlessly. Surprisingly, the squeakers have all survived, but the whiskers have all been chewed off.

Squirrel in action.


  1. Now those are some cool the sheep and the squirrel. Sheep looks like he has had the same good lovin as my moose and the battle scars to prove it!!!!

  2. I like that sheep! But it wouldn't last in my house.

    love & wags,

  3. Adorable pics, OMD, we can't get over how beautiful the boys are! We love your toys!

    M & I

  4. Love the pictures! We have the squirrel/tree stump toys here too. The funny is that when I got it my boy Twist was more enthralled with throwing the empty box that it came in around than in playing with the squirrels. LOL

  5. The toys look perfect! Love the big ole sheep! Katie (my sheltie) would probably be intimidated by it. But she has a few of her own favorite toys, especially Mr. Froggy, a stuffed frog whose squeaker long ago gave up and who has been mended a few times! Aren't they all so funny!
