Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Think happy thoughts ...

Today was just one of those days where it feels as if the whole world is out to get you.

Good thing I live with two puppers that are very good at providing comic relief.

Think happy thoughts ... think happy thoughts ... think happy thoughts ...

"MY toy. NOT gonna share."
"What snow?"

I've posted this one before, but it never fails to make me smile.
"I haz a happy!"


  1. i had one of those days too. thanks fo rhelping me smile.

    Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
    LeeTal - Coco's Mommy

  2. Thank Goodness for dogs! I know they make me feel better after a bad day.

    I hope your tomorrow is better :)

  3. Thank Dog for dogs! We always make our Ma laugh, even on a bad day. Take it easy friend, hugs Josh and Jess

  4. No better love is there?

    LOVE the snow pics!

    M & I

  5. We are reminded of two quotes.
    - Just because you think the somebody is out to get you, doesn't mean they are not.
    - Paranoia is just another word for a heighten state of awareness.

    Take care

    Essex & Deacon
